Our Board
Duncan Bennet
Duncan Bennet has a Bachelor of Business degree, plus over 35 years of senior leadership and CEO experience within the technology industry. As a long term Central Coast resident he has a keen interest in working with the Board on strategic matters and also to support the management of CCPC in delivering a broad range of programs and services that improve the health and wellbeing of our community.
Julia Squire
Julia describes herself as British by birth, Australian by choice and has 35 years of leadership experience including over 20 years as a CEO. She has worked in the public health sector in the UK and Australia and the for profit and not for profit sectors in Australia. Julia has over 20 years’ Board experience.Julia began her career in the UK National Health Service where some of her most rewarding jobs were in primary care, mental health and disability services serving vulnerable communities.
Julia is currently a CEO in the disability and employment sector in NSW enabling her to focus her passion for inclusion, delivering the best possible outcomes with and for participants as well as contributing to developing a more inclusive society.
Julia balances her full work schedule by spending time with her family, walking her dogs and watching soccer.
Larissa McIntyre
Larissa (Lara) is a clinician with over 30 years’ experience in the health and aged care systems; working in public and private hospitals, community health settings, population health, NSW Head Office, research and aged care. Over that time Larissa has worked predominantly in operations and has extensive post-graduate qualifications.
Larissa is a Nurse Practitioner (NP) and is currently employed by a large non-for-profit aged care provider. Larissa is a Board representative on the CCPC Clinical Governance Committee has been an active member of the multiple local, state and national bodies and has multiple publications.
Larissa has a conjoint appointment with the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Newcastle and has a passion for palliative care and advanced care planning. Larissa has had previous Board experience with Alzheimer’s Australia (NSW).
John Della Bosca
John has extensive awareness and understanding of the Central Coast community and the human services and infrastructure supporting the area. Having held several NSW Ministry positions including NSW Health Minister, NSW Disability Minister, NSW Minister for Commence and NSW Special Minister of State, John has extensive knowledge in both state and commonwealth government health arenas.
As Campaign Director for Every Australian Counts Campaign which resulted in the establishment of the NDIS he has tremendous insight into NDIS and the Health and Disability sectors.
Dr Con Mafohla
Dr Con Mafohla is an experienced Central Coast GP who owns and operates Oceanside Private Practice. He is the Clinical Director of Coast & Country Primary Care Bridges After Hours GP Clinics, a member of the GP Collaboration Unit and founding member of the Central Coast GP Association. He has a passion for preventative health in the community, medical education, and advancement of general practice. -
Dr Andrew Montague
Andrew has extensive clinical and senior management experience within the health sector in Queensland and NSW.Andrew studied medicine at the University of New South Wales and has a Masters in Health Administration. He is a fellow of both the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.
Andrew worked clinically for 10 years, both in the hospital setting and as a general practitioner. Since May 2021, Andrew has been General Manager Health & Palliative Care, HammondCare. Prior to this he was Chief Executive Central Coast Local Health District, during which he also had roles as a Board member with Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network, Healthshare NSW, NSW Regional Health partners and developed the Central Coast Research Institute.
Annie Doyle
Annie is an executive professional with over 30 years’ experience including 13 years in the disability sector. She brings her CEO experience utilising her post-graduate qualifications in risk and business, her financial acumen from many years as a qualified accountant (CFO), and a background in nursing.Annie is passionate about maximising social impact in the lives of people within our communities and challenging social injustice in all its forms. She believes it is a privilege to serve on the CCPC Board and looks forward to adding value for clients, staff and the community.